The Story of T

Life can change in an instant, in a blink of an eye our world as we know it no longer exists. Every single moment daily is to be cherished and used to follow ones dreams. Tanner was a testament to how one should live their life....he was fearless, courageous, brave, driven and unstoppable when he put his mind to something. Tanner was a beacon of light and lived a life that was so selfless and inspiring. Tanner wanted to change the world and to reach and touch as many lives as he could through his kindness and faith. His kindness was unparalleled....he could never give enough of himself to others. Tanner was never too busy to reach out and pull up another, he made it his personal mission to love with conviction and to see everyone he crossed paths with as beautiful and worthy of love and acceptance.
I find myself, daily, embracing all that made him a force to be reckoned with. I find myself seeing and feeling this world differently through his eyes. I miss him desperately every second of every minute of every hour. I have had two great loves in my life, my family and the art and expression of dance. My two loves correlate on countless levels and both have filled my life with beauty and unmeasurable love and inspiration. Tanner loved what I do and was so proud of the dancer and teacher I am. He always had a dream that I would, one day, own my own studio and carry our family's love for the arts on to many generations of families and dancers.
Tanner has taught us that life is too short to not chase your dreams down and make them a reality......one is simply unstoppable when they have their heart and mind on making something happen. It is with happiness and pride that I am able to open my own studio illuminaTe Dance and Arts Center. My family and I are ready to take this adventure and to continue inspiring as many dancers and families as we can. IlluminaTe will be a studio filled with light, hope and peace. A home that embraces and loves all who walk through the door as family.
I am excited to take this next step in my family's journey and to HONOR Tanner as well as create a home for those that cherish and love dance and the arts as much as my family and I do. This dream is now a reality and this reality will be something that my daughters and their children will have to continue spreading beauty through artistic expression and honor and spread Tanner's message. My days are filled with believing in Tanner's light, honoring all that he was and IS, loving him and continuing his legacy of pure kindness, peace and unwavering love and support. Tanner believed it was his mission to walk with Jesus and build others up, to help them see their gifts and beauty and above all, inspire, support and encourage all who crossed paths with him. My dream is continue my days on this earth by spreading his light and watching my daughters reach their dreams. My dream through dance is to illuminate and shine beauty and light on all those who walk through my studio door.